Hi Anil.
We traveled in August 2009 with Anil, on arrival at the airport at 3 am, among dozens of Hindus everywhere sleeping on a sidewalk outside a car etc. .. Anil greets us, a man who put it in your hands within 28 days in India, something is intrigued about how this character, quickly makes us feel comfortable and reassuring us with his nobility and simplicity, the next day begins the great adventure, which at the end of the trip is unimaginable and enriching the moments lived with Anil. A trip to your side is a constant learning and not just India that is beautiful to him, but especially of life, has that point bohemian rich and valuable knowledge that makes them unobtrusive and humble that make you special the journey of about a month short with Anil made us, took us to incredible places and the Indian deep, we live in incredible situations and had a great time laughing and often jokes that Anil was the main accomplice is a real adventure alongside Anil, is a guy who leaves a good feeling at all times with their good touch, know and express what you gently from time to time required, as stated above the girl is a friend, a guide , a father, a protector, a colleague, a person’s incredible that we should learn a lot. I think that giving advice to know the Indian with a cornerstone (Anil) is over, with the impression he has given us, I have a friend in India, no doubt ..
In short .. Anil India Tours Tour & Travels
Cesar and Noelia. , Tenerife, Canary Islands